We all want to recycle more, and with good reason. When we recycle, we are contributing to the betterment of the planet, and its overall sustainability. Recycling is a part of what is known as the "waste hierarchy." This encompasses the "three R's," or reduce, reuse, and recycle. This system classifies waste management techniques based on what is most desirable. While we don't have complete control over what others will do with their trash, we can control what we do.
You can do your part by recycling instead of throwing trash away. Scrap metal recycling is particularly important for both individuals and organizations alike. Whether you have a workshop in your garage and often end up with scrap metal parts that you're not sure what to do with or your company manufactures goods and you need a way to reduce your carbon footprint, scrap metal recycling could be your answer. Let's take a look at the benefits of this process.
One of the more enticing reasons to recycle your scrap metal is that doing so puts cash into your pocket. When you bring qualifying materials to a scrap yard, they will pay you for them. The amount that you get will depend on the exact materials you bring, market conditions, and the scrap yard itself. You can look up the average amount you get for recycling scrap metal in your area, but the best way to find out exactly how much you can make off of your unwanted metal is to reach out to a scrap metal yard and see what their prices are.
By recycling scrap metal, you're helping conserve energy. It requires significantly less energy to recycle scrap metal than to manufacture new products from virgin raw materials. Not only does saving energy in production reduce greenhouse emissions and help the environment but it can also lower the end price for consumers.
Landfills are harmful to the planet in many ways. One of the most notable dangers of landfills is that when metals end up in them, they can take hundreds, if not thousands, of years to break down into elements that are small enough to return to the earth. Certain metals, such as lead and mercury, are hazardous and will leach into the surrounding water and soil as they take centuries to break down. By recycling scrap metal instead of putting it in trash that ends up at a landfill, you'll be protecting the environment from being poisoned.
There are many benefits you can experience when recycling your scrap metal. Get in touch with Mack's Twin City Recycling today to learn more about how you can recycle your scrap metal!
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